Today we bring you fiery facts on the risk factors for colorectal cancer.

Because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, the Digestive Disease Consultants began our five-feature colorectal cancer series of blogs with our previous blog.   To get the basic facts on colorectal cancer, you might want to read or review that article.

Like that blog, this one is designed to fire you up with factual awareness about colorectal cancer.  DDC wants to give you the ammunition that will prevent loss of life from this, the number two cancer killer in America.  It is also the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women.

There are newly released figures showing us that in 2017, there will be 95,520 cases of colon cancer diagnosed.  Plus, it is likely doctors will diagnose 39,910 cases of rectal cancer.

Risk Factors:  Be Aware!

We don’t mean to be melodramatic.  But yes, that means there could be some details in this blog that could save your life.  And yes, this means you, no matter what your age!

This blog brings you detailed information concerning some of the risk factors you are facing for colorectal cancer in your daily life in the 21st century.

Colorectal Cancer:  A New Age At Risk

Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors: What You Need To Know

For example, this week brings big cancer news for millennials, and it is not good.  A feature story in New England Journal of Medicine reported, “While colon cancer incidence rates declined in those aged 55 and older beginning in the mid-1980’s, rates increased by 2.4% annually for adults in their 20s and by 1.0% among those in their 30s.  For rectal cancer, the annual increase among young adults was even steeper — 3.2%.  Colorectal cancer rates also increased recently among adults in their 40s and early 50s, although not as sharply.  Young adults’ colorectal cancer risk is now similar to that of adults born around 1890.”

This new rising statistic sharpens our DDC Orlando focus to spread awareness about colorectal cancer and the risks for it.  Are you at risk?  We are using awareness and information to help you fight fire with fire.

Risk Factors and Behavior :  Finding Your Ammunition against Colorectal Cancer

Before continuing, let us relate a short story with a humorous slant. You will possibly recognize the old joke upon which this story is based.

Joe went to see his doctor with a unique complaint.  “Doc,” he said, with a furrowed brow and a clenched jaw, “Every time I drink a cup of coffee, I get this huge, stabbing pain in my right eye.” 

The doctor asked if he got it when he drink water, milk or (cringe) whiskey.  “Nope Doc, I just get it when I drink my coffee morning, noon or night.”  Dutifully, the doctor subjected Joe to a battery of medical tests for his unusual symptom.  The tests revealed only that his system was normal.  In fact, they showed he was healthy for a 45 year old man.

What could be causing the mysterious, blinding pain in Joe’s right eye in reaction to swallowing his favorite morning coffee?

Then, in a sudden moment of insight, the doctor asked, “Joe, have you taken the precaution of removing the spoon from your cup before taking a sip?”  Joe was cured.  Instantly.  His coffee-drinking behavior was changed forever.

This ironic little story might give us a grin, but it also gives us a lesson:  sometimes we take great risks with our own behavior.

Like Joe, perhaps you are unaware of the colorectal cancer risks that you could change by simply being more aware of your lifestyle and behavior.  Warning:  They might not be quite as easy as removing your spoon from your coffee cup.

Risk Factors:  What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You!

The American Cancer Society explains, “Several lifestyle-related factors have been linked to colorectal cancer.”  Once you know the risky behaviors you can change, you might be able to avoid colorectal cancer.

1. Risk Factor:  Poor Eating Habits

Healthy Diet Will Help You Avoid the Risk Factor of poor food choice.

The American Cancer Society reports, “…the links between diet, weight, and exercise and colorectal cancer risk are some of the strongest for any type of cancer.”

If you have packed on some extra pounds around youe waist, be aware you are risking colorectal cancer, and perhaps becoming one of those statistics we just mentioned.

Colorectal Cancer thrives on poor eating chioices.  The Center for Disease Control warns us that your risk increases for colorectal cancer if your diet is low in fiber and high in fat.

We know of a 48 year old, 5″10″ tall woman who was horrified that her voluptuous 248 lb. figure was medically considered “obese.”

So if you think of yourself as Plus-Size or Big Guy, Curvy Gal, or Simply A Little Overweight, as opposed to the medical term “obese,” think again– because this warning is still for you!  Fruits, Vegetables and Fibers will help you avoid this colorectal cancer risk.

2.      Risk Factor:  Colorectal Cancer Loves A Sedentary Lifestyle!

So, think about it:  How much time do you spend sitting on your colon, watching television?  How much time do spend, sitting at your work desk?   Sitting too much simply increases your risk for colorectal cancer.

“A recent review of the scientific literature found that the most physically active people have a 25% lower risk of colon cancer than the least active people.”

So, the more active you can become, the longer you might live.  The Digestive Disease Consultants recommend 75 minutes of intense activity or 150 minutes of average activity.  This should decrease your risk of colorectal cancer.

3.    Risk Factor:  Smoke Gets In Your Colon!

We know you are aware of the lung cancer long associated with smoking cigarettes.  But, did  you know that cigarette smoking can have a serious effect on your digestive system?  This is another risk that enhances your chance of suffering with colorectal cancer.

We understand that avoiding this risk might not be easy, if you are a confirmed smoker.

A Note From the Digestive Disease Consultants, Orlando:  If you smoke, please stop, for the sake of your colon as well as your heart and lungs.

Taking nourishment, enjoying healthy eating, is undoubtedly one of the great pleasures in life.  Don’t watch it—and your colon—go up in smoke.

4.   Colorectal Cancer:  Avoiding Extra Drinks

Drinking Excess Alcohol can be a risk factor for colorectal cancer.

We hate to tell you this, but if you over indulge in alcohol, you need to worry about more organs than your liver.  This behavior can have a severe effect on your digestive system.

Excess alcohol is another risky behavior for colorectal cancer.  If a man drinks more than two alcoholic drinks per day or a woman drinks more than one a day, he or she is raising their risk for colorectal cancer.

Beating the Odds:  Behavior and Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer

We told you that reducing your behavioral risks for colorectal cancer might not be as easy as Joe’s cure in our opening story.  But if you meet a colorectal cancer patient and learn about their life, these lifestyle changes won’t seem at all impossible.

In our next blog we will explain some of the unchangeable risks you might have in your background or genetics.  Those are the risks you cannot change with your lifestyle.

But you can learn about them, in our next blog, and then be vigilant.  The Digestive Disease Consultants will show you how!